What’s a treasure hunt around the world without a list of random statistics?
Updated on November 18/11
Total Countries Cached in – 24
Total Geocaches Found – 347
Total Kilometers[Cache to Cache] – 59448.5 kilometers
Most finds in 1 day – 22 on August 17, 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic
Total Days Cached – 112/338 or 31.6% of my trip.
Closest to Home – All Aboard! – SCAR09. Saskatoon, Canada. 22.1km away
Furthest from Home – Rocky and Bulwinkle. Koh Samet, Thailand. 12306.2km away
My Finds Around the World
The following map is created in Google Earth, although I am only showcasing the Google Maps version on here as the Earth version does not make it easy to find the placemarks. You can click through as I update it and read little snippets of what I did to find it or the area it is found. Click the

on the map(Found in Saskatchewan) for a quick little intro. See below the map for a legend of the different icons.
If you wish to, you can download the actual KMZ file
HERE to have more interactivity with the map, including clicking through in sequence of the geocaches, as well as 3D views of the surrounding area. The geocaches will also be grouped into their respective countries and cities(if there is a sufficient quantity). Keep watch here as I continually update the file to include more descriptions and photos.
**One note for the map online here: the "Previous/Next" buttons do not work in the embedded map. This is a feature only available in the downloaded file that must be opened in Google Earth.
****A note regarding the KMZ file. You will need Google Earth installed on your computer to use it. Google Earth can be downloaded for FREE(yay opensource!) HERE

- Regular Cache. The coordinates lead straight to the cache. No additional work(besides searching) is required.

- Multi Cache. This type of cache requires you to do a bit more work than just head to the coordinates. Some are simple, and have you find one cache that will contain the coordinates for the next part. Others might require you to go to the spot and use numbers found in the area, or counting objects, to plug into a math formula in order to calculate the final coordinates.

- Letterbox Hybrid. These caches combine the game of Letterboxing with Geocaching. You start by getting the coordinates to where you are to begin your journey. Then, following a list of instructions, you work your way from point to point until you come to where the cache is based on information you've collected along the way.

- Event Cache. This is a special cache that a geocacher sets up as a way to get other fellow geocachers together. Could be for a potluck dinner, an outdoors scavenger hunt, or any other reason to bring people together to share stories and tips.

- Puzzle/Mystery Cache. This is kinda like a Multi in that you must do some work in order to get the real coordinates. However, unlike a multi, this work can usually be done at home. It could be a series of images in which you must decipher the coordinates from, or actual puzzles(sudoku, crosswords, etc) that you must solve to get the coordinates.

- Earth Cache. These are the most educational geocache as you must answer questions about the area, usually in the geology/geography category, in order to claim it as a find. Pictures are usually a requirement, but that's not mandatory. The main goal is to teach geocacher's about the geological forces at work in a certain area. River morphology, mountain building, etc. are all examples.